POSTOVNI TISKARNA CENIN, Post-office security printworks, Prague 1998
P.T.C. of Prague is in essence the exclusive supplier of printed documents to the Post Office Services of the Czech Republic. With international quality awards and reputation among similar institutions, the choice of a 4-pull CAVOMIT HOLO CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 56X77 cylinder press for the application of both wallpaper and registered holograms on security documents was the obvious option.

STATNI TISKARNA CENIN, State security printworks, Prague 1999
S.T.C. of the Czech Republic enjoy an international reputation among bank-note printing institutions over a long history of printing high quality security documents. The installation of a multi-pull CAVOMIT HOLO CYLINDER HEIDELBERG 64X90 cylinder press for the application of registered holograms in tight-tolerance on public transport-related documents was undoubtedly a tribute to our claim for best-value quality engineering.

OPTAGLIO s.r.o., Authentication technologies, Prague 2003
The company OPTAGLIO acquired in 2003 two CAVOMIT HOLO CYLINDER JOHANNISBERG 73X104 hot-stamping and hologram registration machines.

The Police Presidium acquired one CAVOMIT HOLO STAMPER table-top hot-stamping and hologram registration unit suitable for the authentication at the point-of-issue of certifications with the use of hot-stamped OVDs.

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